Wednesday, April 24, 2013


     On April 24, 2013, Mark Kellam wrote the article, "Armenian genocide recognition overdue, congressman says" in the LA Times. Representative Adam Schiff (D-Burbank) spoke in Armenian on the House of Representatives floor today, as he honored the 1.5 million lives that were lost in the massacres of the 1915 committed by the Ottoman Empire. As the lead sponsor of the Armenian Genocide resolution in Congress, Rep. Schiff, in Armenian, said, "I speak to you from the floor of the House of Representatives in the language of your grandparents and your great-grandparents — the language they used to speak of their hopes, their dreams, their lives and their loves in the years before 1915.... I speak to you in the language of sons who watched their fathers murdered. I speak to you in the language of the girls begging the gendarmes for mercy. I speak you in the language of the children begging for a drop of water. I speak to you in the language of those who were lost. Their voices drift across the decades, begging us to remember." This speech was made Wednesday, April 24, 2013, the same day President Obama once again did not use the term "genocide" in his annual statement about the event. For the past ninety eight years, the Turkish government continues to deny the systematic annihilation of the Armenian race from the years 1915-1917, and continues to financially aid the media, along with the United States government for them to disguise and hide any evidence of the Armenian genocide. Rep. Schiff noted that their is "overwhelming evidence" from American diplomats and journalists, as well as Turkish historians, that the genocide occurred, and should be globally accepted and recognized. The Armenian community remains forever grateful for non-Armenian individuals, such as Rep. Schiff, for advocating the truth and endorsing the end of the cycle of denial.

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