Friday, August 24, 2012

"The Declaration of Independence" by Thomas Jefferson

     The "Declaration of Independence" is one of the most influential pieces of document in American history.  It established the foundation for freedom for the first time since the thirteen colonies were originally founded. Although it was written by Thomas Jefferson and Benjamin Franklin, the actual speakers of the "Declaration of Independence" are the colonists found in the thirteen colonies during the time period of 1776. Thomas Jefferson and Benjamin Franklin plant the opinions and concerns the colonists had into this document of history, which establishes the individual rights the colonists gained which included expressing their opinions freely. The document includes all the reasons for which the colonists seek freedom to be their own country, instead of being restrained to the rule of their motherland, England. Although the direct writers of this document are not the colonists, the entire spirit is revolved around the exact ideas that they formed themselves. The audience of the "Declaration of Independence" is King George III, along with the American colonists. The document is aimed for King George III to read, which will persuade him to believe why letting the colonies establish themselves as their own country is a logical idea, and an intelligent move for England to release them from their rule. The audience also appeals to the American colonists. The "Declaration of Independence" was aimed to inspire and to inform colonists on why they should support the Revolution, and how beneficial it would be for them to fight for their rights. It opened their eyes to the pressing issues which were beginning to take a tole on the colonies, and inspired them to fight for freedom before those issues started to really cause damage due to the decisions of King George III. The occasion of this document is July 4, 1776. Every year, July 4th is marked with different patriotic acts, celebrating the independence gained for the American colonies during 1776. July 4, 1776 was the first day which the Declaration of Independence was published and put into effect. To this very day, the fundamentals of that document play a vital role in the American government's policies.

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